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R - I can face tomorrow

Because Jesus is my ROCK He is my REFUGE, He has REDEEMED me He RESTORES me daily He REJOICES over me with singing He REFINES me and...

Q - I can face tomorrow

Because God never QUITS on me He QUICKENS His Word to me He fills me with His strength as I sit QUIETLY in His presence He QUENCHES my...

P - I can face tomorrow

Because God's POWER is in me He is my PEACE, He is the PRINCE of PEACE He is my PORTION forever He PROVIDES everything I need

O - I can face tomorrow

My Heavenly Father OFFERS forgiveness every day In Him I am an OVERCOMER His arms are always OPEN to me He blesses my OBEDIENCE He...

N - I can face tomorrow

My God is NICE He NEVER leaves me He knows my NEEDS before I even ask He is always NEAR He has NULLIFIED my sin through Jesus Christ

M - I can face tomorrow

My God is MERCIFUL Jesus is my MEDIATOR He is my MASTER He brings MEANING to my life He is MAGNIFICENT, MIGHTY & MAJESTIC

L - I can face tomorrow

Because Jesus LOVES me He LEADS me in the right path He LONGS to hear my voice He is LOVE He is LORD of the whole Universe He is the...

K - I can face tomorrow

Jesus is the KING of KINGS He is KIND He KEEPS His promises HE has a KEY for every circumstance He is KNOWLEDGE I am KNOWN by Him

J - I can face tomorrow

JESUS died for me He is JEALOUS for me He is my JOY His JUDGEMENT is JUST He is JEHOVAH JIRAH my provider I am His JEWEL

I - I can face tomorrow

My God is INVINCIBLE I am created in His IMAGE He is INFINITE He IDOLISES me My tomorrow is IMPORTANT to Him He is IRRESISTIBLE

H - I can face tomorrow

God gives me HOPE He is my HEALER He is my HELPER His HOLY SPIRIT dwells in me My HEART belongs to Him

G - I can face tomorrow because

My GOD is GOOD My GOD is GRACIOUS to me He is GENEROUS He GUIDES me He has put His GIFTS within me I am one of His GEMS

F - I can face tomorrow

God is Faithful all the time He takes away my FEAR He FORGIVES my sins He is my FATHER and my FRIEND Nothing I do FAZES Him

E - I can face tomorrow

He EMPOWERS me He ENCOURAGES me He EQUIPS me He ENERGISES me He ENABLES me He is EVERLASTING and He has given me EVERLASTING life through...

D - I can face tomorrow

He DELIGHTS in me He DELIVERS me He DISCERNS my heart He is my DESTINY He is completely DEPENDABLE He is DEVOTED to me

A - why I can face tomorrow

It has been on my heart for a little while now that I should be posting nuggets of truth about why you and I can face tomorrow, using the...


The greatest gift I have ever received, is the free gift of eternal life. It cost me nothing, all I had to do was accept it. John 3: 16...

Need Peace?

Peace I leave with you, My peace I give you. John 14:27 If you are in need of peace today, stop your busyness and take a few moments to...

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