Daughters of Hope has two specific arms to it. One arm is raising funds for women and children in Eastern Europe.
We buy the jewellery and other products made by women who have either been rescued from sexual exploitation or live in very poor conditions. We then resell these products at Jewellery parties, Expos, Conferences, fairs and clubs.
When you purchase any of our beautifully hand made jewellery or any other products you will be helping us raise funds for the women in Eastern Europe as well as improving the lifestyle of those who make the jewellery.
The other arm is an affordable annual one- day conference for women of all ages and denominations in Australis. The conference is designed to equip women for the life God has in store for them.
Daughters of Hope aims to give every woman an opportunity to experience the encouragement of coming together under one banner. To encounter the power and love of God and to bring women wholeness and purpose in their lives.
Saturday afternoon October 27 was open house at my place. This is a fundraiser event that we have every year. Thank you so much to all the ladies who helped make this a successful day. Every purchase will make a difference.